组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

"Ouch!", I fell over and soon my ankle blew up like a tennis ball. Hours and hours of training, and then this! The sports meeting was only a month away. All I could do was to tell myself 1 would turn out OK,but I knew it was a glimmer.

"Four weeks maybe, possibly five," the doctor said, "and even then, you'll need to take it easy for a while." I 2on my way home. Kim visited me as soon as she heard about the 3. "You poor thing, you must feel brokenhearted. I know how4 the sports meeting is for you, but there is a silver lining in every cloud." then Kim said something unexpected. "Maybe this is a chance to try something 5. You see, we need a prompter for our school play, and they just 6 around perfect!" Despite how much I wanted to say 7, I just couldn't refuse her. She was my best friend.

    What did I do as a prompter? Basically I listened carefully and 8 people their lines when they forgot them. The actors messed up all the time, and I was yelling out so many times, so I had to 9 glasses of water. Things went all right 10 Mr. Leshko asked me to fill in Amanda because she had a flu.

"But she plays the officer," I squeaked, "and I can't act and my ankle…" I needed an 11 to escape.

"No problem. I'll get you a chair, and you can pretend you're 12 horseback." Then he was gone, just like that.

    I had to go for it. And because I had been the prompter, I knew the lines. I even did the job 13.

Mr. Leshko noticed it, so he decided to rewrite the play and made me the officer permanently. What I really couldn't believe was how 14 I felt when I heard the decision.

    The show turned out great. Kim was so happy for me and kept saying she was proud of me. I realized I had more 15 than just running. Maybe there is a silver lining in everything. You just need to take a leap and try!
