组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

79% of American middle and high school students take part in activities both after school and on weekends, and 57% of them have some kinds of non-school(非学校的)activities nearly every day. Most American students take part in least(至少)one activities at school.

Homework is probably(可能)the last thing many students like doing after school. 44% of students say they often do homework at school or after dinner. Sports in American middle and high schools are very important. Most schools have many sports team like soccer, basketball, baseball, American football, tennis and field rocky(曲棍球). Almost every student does some kinds of sports. American students watch TV at home and hang out(闲逛)on the street, too. Some students love playing video games and working on the computer. More than half of the girls(52%)like reading books right after school, but only more than a third of the boys(36%)like doing that.
