组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


    My best memory in school is that I received a prize in Grade 9 in a singing competition. I was jumping with joy since it was my first prize. My worst memory is that I fell into a pool in Grade 3.1 expected my friends to help me, but instead they were laughing at me. It made me very sad.


    I remember six years ago when I moved to the United States, I hardly knew how to speak English. I only knew a few words like "hello", "OK" ... I was surprised with everyone around me, maybe because I could not understand the language everyone spoke to communicate with others. We did not do anything but sleep for about a week.


My best memory from school is when I told my parents that I needed them to attend a recognition ceremony (嘉许典礼) for me-best moments every time. The worst memory is when there was a typhoon and classes were stopped when you had already had a half day there and it was hard to go home because of heavy rain.


    The best, and also the worst at the time, is that I was caught stealing apples from the school gardens eight years ago. My headmaster, Ms. Webber, caught me with the red fruits and punished me for a whole month. I had to clean the classroom every day during that month. I did my time so well that Ms. Webber had to praise me for cleaning the classroom well.
