组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Riley read so many stories about pirates (海盗) and treasure chests that he wanted to find a treasure chest of his own. One day, Riley went to the library and read a story about a man that buried (埋) expensive gold coins in his backyard in a chest. Riley was so interested in the story. "Mum. Tell him that treasure chests are only in books and movies," said his old brother Ted. "It could really happen, "said Riley. "Riley's right," "said Mum. "If you believe in something strongly enough, it could happen."

    That night Riley's mum told Riley's dad how much Riley wanted to find a treasure chest." I have an idea," said Riley's mum. "Saturday is Riley's birthday. Let's put his gift in a treasure chest and bury it in the yard for him to find." "That's a great idea!" said Riley's dad. They decided to put his new watch in the treasure chest. They would give him a map with clues (线索) to look for the treasure chest outside.

    After Riley left for school the next day, his mum wrapped the watch and went to the party store to buy a treasure chest. She came home and buried the treasure chest underneath the oak tree. She then drew a map with clues to where the treasure chest was buried. When Saturday came. Mum and Dad gave Riley his map, and told him that he would have to find his gift in the treasure chest using the clues on the map. Riley was so excited! He anxiously followed all the clues and found the treasure chest with his new watch. "Wow! said Riley. "This is fantastic! I knew I would find a treasure chest someday!"

    "Happy Birthday!" they all shouted.
