组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    I like cooking. I often help my mom cook. Chicken is my favorite food to make and eat.

    One day, Mom and Dad were not at home. They drove to visit a friend. I wanted to bake (烘烤) the chicken for lunch for my family, I washed the chicken and put it in the oven (烤炉). After about 40 minutes, I went to take the chicken out. Do you know what I found? The chicken was still cold! I started laughing(大笑). I laughed and laughed and laughed! I forgot to turn on the oven!

    Mom and Dad would come back soon. I didn't have time to bake the chicken again. So I called on the telephone for sandwiches to come to my house. When my parents came back, I told them how I baked the chicken. Morn and Dad laughed. And they said the sandwiches tasted good.
