组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    It was a sunny Saturday afternoon. My friend Bobby Lewis was taking his two little boys to play golf. He walked up to the young man at the ticket counter and said, "How much is it to get in?"

    The young man answered, "$3.00 for you and $3.00 for any kid who is older than six. We let them infreeif they are six or younger. How old are they?"

    Bobby said, "Sam's three and Henry's seven, so I think I should pay $6.00."

    The man at the ticket counter said, "Hey, you are too honest. You can save yourself three dollars if you tell me that the older one is six. I don't know the difference." Bobby said, "Yes, that may be true, but the kids know the difference."

    When ethics are more important than ever before, make sure you set a good example for everyone you work and live with.
