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    Starting from September, 2016, the panda is no longer on the world's "endangered animal list".

    According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, there are about 1,850 pandas in the wild in China now. In 2003, the number was 1,600. So it takes the panda off the Red List.

    China's hard work in the past 50 years to save the panda is paying off. China sets up reserves (保护区) and plants a lot of bamboo forests. Now, about two thirds of pandas are living in the 67 panda reserves.

    How did Chinese researchers successfullyincreasethe number of pandas? They put in money, science, time and love. Here are two examples of their hard work.

    Bamboo is pandas' main food. And these guysare big eaters! A panda needs 12kg-38kg of bamboo a day. In the 1980s, without enough food, the number of pandas dropped to just over 1,200. To save pandas, China sets up 67 panda reserves and plants a lot of bamboo forests there.

    But there is still bad news. Our earth is getting warmer. It's going to get too hot for the bamboo to grow. More than a third of bamboo forests could go away within 80 years, scientists say. It's still dangerous for pandas.
