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What do people around the world think of China? According to an international survey, China' s national image(形象) )is improving. Over11, respondents(调查对象) took part in it. The survey's questions covered topics from one's general view of China to its performance in international matters.

In the 2019 report, China scored 6. 3 points out of 10 regarding its image, rising from 5 points in 2013. Generally, developing countries had better impressions(印象)of China than developed countries. The top three countries whose respondents had the best impression of China were Mexico, Saudi Arabia and Indonesia.

The respondents see China as the second most influential country international matters. The Belt and Road Initiative(—带—路倡议) was the most popular of all projects made by China, CCTV News reported.

China's performance in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic has been noticed by the world Over the past few months, many countries have closed their borders(边境)and stopped trades of medicine and medical equipment. China has sent 34 medical teams to 32 countries and offered help to 150 countries and four international organizations.

As for the future, China is expected to make more contributions to the world.  Let's look forward to it.

A. Its national image will continue to improve.

B. China has still helped countries that need help.

C. The developing countries gave China a score of 7.2.

D. The United States of America is the most influential country.

E. The respondents are from 22 countries, including the US and France.
