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If you've always wanted to be a high flier, then skydiving is the right sport for you! Skydiving is the activity of jumping from a plane or other aircrafts at about 4000m and falling through the sky before opening a parachute.

The actual history of skydiving started with Frenchman Andre-Jacques Garnerin, who made successful parachute jumps in 1797 from a hot air balloon. Later, more people took it up and had regular competitions, which led to it becoming an international sport in 1952. For some people, skydiving has become a sport they enjoy doing for a lifetime through which they meet new friends, learn, progress and even compete.

The sport of skydiving has a whole range of training methods. Tandem skydiving is the most common way for beginners to get started in this exciting sport. During a tandem dive, the student is connected to an instructor. The student is able to enjoy the sensation of free fall, while the instructor takes control of vital activities such as opening the parachute and performing a safe landing. While falling through the sky, the "arch" position is the best body position for beginners. The shape of a banana is similar to the body position. To feel the sensation of the "arch" you can lie face down on the ground and extend your arms out while keeping them off the ground. Do the same thing with your legs — legs extended with knee bend and keeping them off the floor. This "arch" position allows for a smooth free fall.

Today, skydiving has become a popular activity around the world. Why not take the chance to skydive in your coming vacation?
