组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
阅读下列材料, 从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。


①At the age of 14, I had an illness which the doctors said would leave me in a wheelchair at 25. Luckily, it didn't happen as predicted. I am very thankful tat the illness never spread to my legs.

② Still, everything I did hurt, from opening a door to putting on my clothes. Two years later, I no longer had the ability to move my left hand. I was in constant pain because I didn't have the muscle(肌肉) strength required to do these simple tasks.

③ After undergoing 40 years of this illness, I decided to step into the world of new healing. I learned to allow the flow of peace to heal and care for me. Healing is having the courage to love yourself, and trusting you have a better life. When I got used to that new belief system, I started to become healthy.

④ Slowly and steadily, I was unlocking myself from the only world I had known. I began to imagine a new life filled with joy and thanks. If my heart healed, my body would heal.

⑤ As I became more in touch with the energy around me, I learned the unbelievable power of words and how we receive exactly what we ask for. I came to understand that everything in life is an offering, a chance to grow.

⑥ We always have a choice. We can be lost in past belief patterns and behaviors that no longer serve us, or we can create a new story, one that is truer to our real self.

⑦ I learned that forgiveness +compassion(同情)= healing. When we forgive ourselves, and others. we heal the hurt and discomfort. When we are kind and graceful, we attract the same. Healing is based in the heart, not the mind. As a result of my learning, I now live each day in joy and thanks.
