组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

On the first day of my new school, I felt really(紧张的)and lonely because it was my first time to study in a school far away from home. I had few friends, I had to send text(信息)to my old friends in my home town, but that didn't help. I still felt terrible. It seemed that all the students in this classroom were(陌生人)to me. I was afraid to talk with them. At that time, a girl with a pair of(眼镜)came to sit next to me. She was really(标致的)with long(金色的)hair and big eyes.

"Hey! You're new here, right? I think 1 can help you! I'm Linda. Could you tell me your name?" She said with a smile on her face.

I felt happy(突然地)and told her my name. We began to talk happily. We talked about almost everything: our families, friends and(业余爱好)as well. Linda was really an excellent girl. She always got good(分数)in the exams and she was kind to everyone. I felt so(自豪的)to have a friend like her!
