组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Once upon a time, a poor farmer bought a goose(鹅) so that his family could eat eggs. On day, he went to get1outside the house. Under his goose, he saw an unusual egg. Unlike2, this egg was yellow and bright. The farmer3his head. He was hungry, but this egg did not look good to eat. So he brought the egg home to show it4his wife.

Together, they checked the egg. They were so5that the egg was made of gold! The farmer then6the egg and got a lot of money.

Each morning, the farmer went to check his goose. Each morning, he found one golden egg. Soon, the farmer and his wife became7. They bought a new house.

However, as they grew much richer, they became greedier and greedier(贪婪的). The famer said to his wife, "Why should we wait for the goose to produce each egg8? If I cut her open, we can get all the gold. "The goose, who was not a common goose, heard their9 . She flew away at once. From that day on, the farmer went to see his goose each morning. But the goose wasn't seen again.

This story tells us that we10be thankful for what we get. Do not become greedy and always ask for more.
