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Skateboarding seems like a sport for boys. But teenager Brighton Zeuner in the US has shown that 1 can skate, too. She won the women's skateboarding competition at the first Vans Park Series World Championships in Sweden. She was only 12 years old and had to skate against women 2 than her.

Brighton studies at Dehesa Charter School, California. She fell in love with skateboarding when she was five. She often went to the local skate park to 3 her older brother Jack skate. One day she decided to have a go herself.

Brighton quickly learned lots of new tricks(花招). She enjoys the freedom on the board. "On my board, I feel free," Brighton told ESPN. "I can't live 4 this." Her parents build a skate ramp(斜坡) in their backyard. She skates almost every day. A bad crash(碰撞) meant she had to take a 5 from the sport. But she didn't give up.

Then, she started skating professionally. She became the 6female(女性) to be invited to the X Games. It is an extreme sport(极限运动) competition in the US. She finished fourth in it.

Brighton's success 7 many girls to try skateboarding. Now, there are more and more girls skating at her local skate park.

Skateboarding will be 8 to the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games.9, it has been put off because of the COVID-19(新冠). Brighton hopes to compete in the Olympics. Brighton believes in herself. "When I 10, I get back up and make the trick," she said. "The trick doesn't beat me."
