组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
阅读下面短文,从方框中所给的 A-E 五个选项中选择正确的选项,将其序号填入 下面小题,使对话意思连贯。

    Learning to play an instrument can be one of the most exciting ways to spend your free time. There are many different kinds of instruments to choose from: guitar, piano, violin … There is always one that's right for you. The following may help you make it.

    Make a choice( ( 选择) ).

    First, you need to choose an instrument that you would like to learn to play. This may be the kind of music that you also enjoy listening to.

    Get your instrument.

    When you finish choosing your instrument, you need to buy it. Some schools will lend students instruments. Or you can buy a second-hand instrument and it's usually much cheaper.

    Get ready to learn.

    After you get your instrument, you should then make a learning plan. You can have personal(个人的) lessons with a music teacher or go to a music school.

    Play for others.

    After you learn to play a song for some time, you should start playing for others. Then you can try to play for larger groups of people.

    Keep going.

    Keep learning as much as you can and practice often. As you learn more, you will get better and better.

A. You can also choose to learn on your own.

B. If it is very expensive, you can borrow one.

C. It is a good idea to start with your family or friends.

D. To become a good musician, you have to keep playing.

E. You could also think about the kind of music you'd like to play.
