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Do you know Chang'e? Most of you will answer "yes". Chang'e, in Chinese history, is known as the goddess of the Moon. Most Chinese know the love story between Chang'e and Houyi, and the Mid-Autumn Festival also comes from her story.

However, Chang'e has a new meaning today. In modern times, Chang'e is the name of theChinese Lunar Exploration Program(中国探月工程).In 2007, China sent its first lunar probe(探测器), Chang'e 1, to the Moon. Through these years, China sent many probes to the beautiful but mysterious(神秘的)Moon.

On November 24th, 2020,China's Chang'e 5 went to the space and it landed successfully on the Moon. On December 17th, 2020, Chang'e 5 brought the soil and rocks on the Moon back to the Earth.

Now, China became the third country to get things from the Moon after Russia and America. Next, China plans to build an international lunar space station anditwill help China know more about the Moon.
