组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Blankets(毯子) can keep you warm on cold nights. Lucy Blaylock makes blankets for different reason: to make people happy during the difficult times. She wants (she) blankets to feel like a big, warm hug (拥抱).

Lucy learned to sew(缝制) three years , when she was 8. After she made a blanket as a birthday present for a friend, she (start) to think about other kids. "It makes me (excite) when I think of other kids getting the blanket in the mail and opening it," said the 11-year-old girl. "I hope they know that someone cares about them. It feels good to know that I'm helping all these kids feel loved."

Since 2017, Lucy has sent about 500 Lucy's Love Blankets to kids living in 14 (country). She spends about two hours (make) a blanket by machine and then sewing her name inside a heart by hand. During COVID-19, she has also made face masks health care workers.

For kids who are interested in helping people, she (hope) they can just go ahead. "Don't wait until you have everything ready. Just do it keep going," she says. "Even when you feel like it might not make a big difference, helping others is always important."
