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下面的材料A~~F分别介绍了六个观光游览的地方。请根据Alan, Jason, Kelly, Leo, Linda五位同学的游览意向,帮助他们选出适合的地。

A. Yu Garden in Shanghai is a traditional garden. If you enjoy history and natural beauty, you will love this garden. There are many beautiful buildings, bridges and ponds. You can also buy different snacks just outside the garden.

B. The Palace Museum is also known as the Forbidden City. It is one of the most famous museums in China and the world. There are many Chinese paintings, calligraphy (书法), ceramics(陶瓷)and other collections.

C. Hong Kong is a wonderful place to visit. If you like shopping, you will love Hong Kong. There are some expensive shops and also some cheap ones. There is something for everyone in Hong Kong.

D. Xi'an is a major historical site. Former capital of China, Xi'an was previously known under the name of Chang'an, and it is one of the oldest cities in China.

E. Sanya is known as Eastern Hawaii. It has the most beautiful seaside on Hainan Island. You can walk on the white soft beach and look at the blue sea. You can also have a taste of various seafood.

F. Harbin is the famous Ice City, and it attracts visitors by the Harbin Ice and Snow Festival. The festival usually begins from January and lasts for over one month. It provides visitors a whole world of ice and snow.
