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The Monkey King and the magic fan

When the four heroes reached the Fiery Mountains (火焰山), they met an old man. He told them, "The flames are (possible) to pass, but the immortal Princess Tieshan has a magic fan that can put out the fire."

Sun Wukong went to the princess' cave and asked to borrow the fan. Tieshan refused and attacked him with her sword! They fought the princess got exhausted and returned to her cave. Sun turned (he) into a fly followed her. He hid in her tea, and Tieshan drank it. Down in her belly, Sun shouted. Tieshan got frightened and promised to lend him the fan.

He went back to his friends. Sun tried using the fan, but the flames only got bigger and bigger. It was the wrong fan! Suddenly, a (friend) spirit appeared. He said, "Tieshan's husband, the Ox Demon hasn't been home for a long time. If you bring him back, maybe she will give you the real fan."

Sun found the Ox Demon, but he refused (help).

Sun decided to trick the princess: he took the shape of the Ox Demon (牛魔王). When he knocked on her door, Tieshan thought it was her husband. Sun fooled her into giving him the fan. After that, her real husband came over to the cave, (look) for Sun. Tieshan shouted, "That stupid monkey (steal) my fan."

The Ox Demon ran to find Sun Wukong. He took the shape of Zhu Bajie and tricked Sun into giving him the fan. that moment, the other three heroes arrived. There was a long battle, and Tieshan came to help her husband. The heroes finally defeated the Ox Demon and Tieshan, and they gave the fan to Sun. Sun Wukong fanned 49 (time), and put out the fire forever.

Then he returned the fan to Tieshan, and four heroes continued on their journey.
