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We all know that water is important to our lives. But how much water should we drink?

Usually for most of us eight glasses of water every day might be OK. But those who live or work in warmer environments need to drink more water. That is because they lose more water than us.

55~70% of our body is made up of water, but it cannot replenish (补充) water itself. So drinking water helps balance health. Here are some important rules about drinking water.

1. Drink often throughout the day to prevent dehydration (脱水). After getting up or one hour before meals, it is helpful to drink a glass of water.

2. Usually we can drink beverages(饮料)like tea or coffee instead of water. Of course, some fruit juice or milk has some water in them, but water is still the best drink.

3. Some people do not have the habit of drinking often. They only drink when they are thirsty. In fact, when we feel thirsty, the body is already short of water. It is too late to drink water.

4. In your office or your home, put a full glass of water out and drink from it whenever you see it. In this way, you are on the right path to drinking enough water.
