组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

How to get ready for school quickly

Waking up early every day for school is hard. If you can't get up early, you may find yourself having to rush to make it to class. In fact, you can get ready quickly and arrive at school in time. Here are some ideas that can help.

Prepare the night before. When you finish your homework, put everything back in your bag so it's ready for the next day. Make sure you put anything else you'll need, like special projects, pens and pencils, into the bag. In this way, you can catch it as you walk out.

Create a bedtime routine(惯例). Your body likes routines, and the quality of your sleep will also be better. What's more, try putting your alarm on the other side of the room. That way, you have to get up and walk across the room every time it goes off.

In other words, brush your teeth, wash your face and use the toilet in the same order every day—— the more you practice, the easier and faster it'll go. Form the habit of getting dressed as soon as possible. Never forget breakfast even when you're running late. If everything is in it, head to school!

A. Take full advantage of waiting time.

B. Go through your morning routine.

C. Don't put your phone near your bed.

D. Go to bed at the same time every day and stick to it.

E. Then put it by the door before you go to sleep.

F. As a result, you might leave books behind and end up looking like you just got up!

G. Last, give your bag a quick final check right before you leave.
