组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

Fancy a holiday to the moon? Sounds crazy? Not really. A Japanese company has been working on how to organize holidays to the moon for several years now.

Trying to make the holiday possible will not be an easy task, and the Japanese company plans to make it in stages. A transport system, like the space shuttle(航天飞机)used by NASA at the moment is likely to be developed for this purpose.

The next stage is to build a big hotel orbiting 500 km above the earth. The hotel will orbit the earth once every four or five hours, which will offer visitors some fascinating views of the earth. While this may not seem very exciting at first, think about new sports that can be designed for people to play in zero gravity.

The final stage in the plan is the construction of a hotel on the surface of the moon itself. As solar energy would be used to provide power, it would be important to build the hotel near one of the poles of the moon in order to gather as much solar energy as possible. It is also important to find a part of the moon which is flat, as a long runway will need to be built for the space shuttle to land on. Meanwhile, the company has already developed ways to make cement(水泥)on the moon. The company plans to produce water from oxygen elements, which can be found in moon rocks and hydrogen, which will have to be imported from earth.

So perhaps in a few years you might be enjoying yourselves on the moon.

A. Next, the hotel will have a wide range of sporting activities.

B. Tourists who want to travel into space can stay at a big hotel.

C. The first thing to do is to organize trips around the earth for a few hours.

D. There would probably be holidays to a moon hotel within the next ten years.

E. There is plenty of sand, but the big problem will come with producing water.

F. This part of the development plan does not seem to be too difficult to carry out.

G. This is because a lunar day, which is 14 earth days long, is followed by 14 days of darkness.
