组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Do you know what a" non-zero day" is? A friend of mine once introduced the concept(概念) of "non-zero days" to me.

"Non-zero days" means forming certain habits so that you can1your goals(目标).

First, you get a calender and2it on your wall. Try to choose a big calendar that you will see every day when you3. Next, you think of a goal of some kind. It can be something4- like getting into a good school-or something small like eating something healthy for lunch.

Every day, after you do something that gets you5 to your goal, you can put a big ""X" on that day on the calendar. The6is that every day, you should try to do something that will help you meet your goal. Even small7 , like taking five minutes to exercise or8 a book, still count as(算作)"non-zero days". But if you9a day, you have to put a "0" on that day on the calendar and start over. The goal, of course, is to have no "zero days".

So as you can see, just10one small thing every day can make a big difference over time. Can you try to have no more" zero days"?
