组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A. Sorting trash can help us in many ways.

B. They often look ugly and dirty.

C. They often come in different colors.

D. Not all trash is the same.

E. Do your part for our world.

F. And then there's recycle trash, like plastic bottles.

Sorting trash is good for us

Take a look at the trash bins outside of your house.But this isn't just for fun-those colors tell you how you should sort(分类) your trash.

. There is household trash-things like banana peels and leftover(剩下的) food. There's harmful trash, such as batteries.It's important to sort these kinds of trash correctly.

We can make sure that harmful things, such as batteries, don't pollute our ground and water. We can reuse some trash, such as paper, metal, glass and old clothes, to make new things.

How do we sort trash? It's easy. You can have three bins in your home--one each for household, harmful and recycle trash.
