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They look like common biscuits and don't taste bad, either. But if they are made with unusual things, like crickets(蟋蟀), do you still dare to try? Three students at Abertay University in Dundee, UK, are using ground-up(磨成粉的) crickets to make biscuits. They are trying to find more sustainable(可持续发展的) food sources to solve world hunger、reported Daily Mail.

The students are using Thailand house orickets flour(粉末)About 1, 100 crickets can make 100grams of flour. The cricket flour is then mixed with eggs. butter and wheat flour(全麦面粉). Finally, it is baked to make biscuits.

Anja Sieghartsleitner is leading the study. She said that insects are a lot more sustainable than other meats.

Insects are easier to raise. They use less water and land, and produce less greenhouse gasses than cows and pigs. They also have more protein(蛋白质) than beef, chicken and pork

In fact, in a 2013 report, the Untied Nations called on more people to eat insects to beat world hunger.

Scientists have found more than 1, 900 edible(可食用的) insects. Some of these include crickets, beetles(甲壳虫), grasshoppers(蚂蚱) and cicadas(蝉).

People may not want to eat a whole cricket, said Sieghartsleitner. But if it's hidden away in flour or biscuits, then they may be more likely to accept it. Cricket flour is already for sale on the market, she added.

"If we are seeking to feed 9 billion people by 2050, then we have to change our eating behavior, "She said.
