组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Sometimes what we write online may have bad results we don't expected. A few years ago, a girl's birthday party turned into a nightmare (噩梦). Fifteen-year-old Cathy posted her address (地址) and an invitation to her birthday party online. When her parents got back from the cinema that evening, they couldn't believe their eyes. There were 500 people at the party, and some of them were even breaking windows, making a mess of the house.

Most teens think they know everything about social media and things like this could never happen to them. A study shows more than many young people have got into trouble because of their online activities.

Here are some important tips. They will help you to be safer online.

RULE1: Share with care!

Not everyone will like what you write on Facebook or WeChat. You can never completely control who sees your texts, your pictures, or your videos. Before posting them, everyone should ask themselves two questions: "How will I feel if my family or teachers see this?" and "How might this post be bad for me in three, five or ten years from now?'1 RULE 2: Be polite when you write!

Imagine someone is unfriendly in real life. You don't like it, right? Well, the same is true of online communication. Politeness matters, and anyone can be polite. No one likes it when you "shout" in your messages. If you feel angry or upset while you're writing a message, wait a bit. Read it again later and then send it.

RULE 3: Protect and respect (尊重)!

Don't share your passwords with anyone. Don't post your home or email address online. Pay attention to "cyberbullying (网上欺凌)" 一 don't say anything bad about other people. If you get messages like that or see them online, talk to parents or teachers.
