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A survey (调查) shows that almost 80% of animal doctors think that more pets are getting fat. This is worrying!

Today many animals are becoming unhealthy. This is because people are feeding them too much. Animal doctors find many dogs, cats, horses and even parrots are too fat! They also said that pet owners (主人)are often surprised when they find out their animals are overweight (超重的).

The animal doctor David Grant says that some people feed their pets chocolate, fries, hamburgers or too much pet food because it makes them feel like kind and loving owes. But he also says that doing this can make pets get many health problems. So they may die early. Some animal doctors are opening special fat hospitals to try and do something about the problem. That's good news, but hopefully pet owners will do more to help their pets eat in a right way so they do not become fat. If you have a pet, you really should be careful to feed them healthy food and give them some exercise every day.
