组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

My name is Li Bing. I am in Huaxin Middle School. My school is in a1neighborhood. It's near a busy street. When you get into my school, you can see a(n)2building. We all study there. Behind it, there is a3. It's my favorite place because l like reading. After school, l always4books or do my homework for an hour there.5is the office building? It's next to the library. Behind the office building is the dining hall. There are6kinds of foods there, such as dumplings and hamburgers. Students78 yuan having lunch. And there is a small park between the office building8the dining hall. We often9there after lunch. Our school is one of the best schools in our city,The teachers are friendly and strict. We10 have a good time studying and playing together.
