组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

The "left-behind" children (留守儿童)are children whose parents are working in cities far away from them. A program called On the Way to School did a research among 2, 000children living in poor areas. The research1that 15.1% of children couldn't see their parents in a whole year, even during the Spring Festival. About 8. 9 million children could talk with their2on the phone only once or twice a year.

And about 15. 2 million children could get phone calls from their parents every three months. So they don't feel3.

Yang Hai lives in a village with his grandparents. His parents work in Fuzhou, a city thousands of kilometers4. His grandparents love him and5him well. But he said he still6his parents.

Now more people in the country7to work in cities and leave their children at home. The government is trying to do8to protect the children at home and free their parents from9about their children. "Children can't be with their parents very often, so we should give them more care and love to make them have more10memories," said one official(官员).
