组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Four students are talking about the best museums they have ever been to.


The Metropolitan Museum of A-t in New York City, which was built in 1872, is very popular in the world. It is one of the world's finest art museums. I really enjoyed my trip because I love modern arts very much. l think the Dance Class by Edgar Degas is the greatest work of art there.


Built in 1204, the Louvre Museum in Paris is the world's largest art museum. Nearly 38, 000 objects from prehistory to the 2lst century are exhibited there. It was great to enjoy so many treasures at one time there. Among them, I think the Mona Lisa is a must-see.


First built in 1912, the National Museum of China in Beijing shows well the cultural aspects of China. Since I'm crazy about Chinese culture and history, I really enjoyed this trip. It has a large collection of bronze vessels(青铜器).My favorite one is "Hou Mu Wu" Bronze Ding.


Built in 1753, the British Museum in London is the greatest museum I've ever been to. l enjoyed my trip there because I'm very interested in the culture of ancient Egypt. That's why l was deeply attracted by the famous Rosetta Stone(罗塞塔石碑).
