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Do you play with your phone before bedtime? According to a US study, looking at screens at night can cause us to sleep not well.

In the evening, our brains make melatonin. Melatonin helps us feel sleepy and relaxed. It's an important part of our sleep cycle. Our electronic screens stop that cycle from working normally.

Why? Phones, computers and TVs make blue light. Blue light stops our bodies from making melatonin. Even just a little bit of blue light can have an effect. Eight minutes of blue light can keep your brain "awake" for another hour, according to the study. Even when you are sleeping, you may have lots of dreams. Your brain won't have a good rest.

It's even worse if you play an exciting game before bed. Games make our hearts beat faster, so we have a harder time falling asleep. Then, when we are sleeping, we don't get enough "deep sleep".

Will you play with your phone before sleep now?
