组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

A woman was walking along the beach on a damp day, lost in thought. Suddenly she was 1 back to reality by a sound of someone shouting. It was from a man. just visible through the 2. His arms wide, he shouted "Come, blessings!" He took a 3 in one direction and then another, shouting constantly, "Come, blessings, come!"

The woman stopped 4 the scene. Here was a man she thought calling blessings into his life 5 and eagerly. It was such a pure, direct spiritual call for something he 6. She started walking toward the man, hoping to speak to him and express her 7 to him for the inspiration she had got from his calling. As she walked, the wind continued to 8 his voice. "Come: blessings! Come: blessings, come!" She started to speak the simple yet 9 words along with him feeling 10 inspired each time.

Just then, a big floppy-eared(耳朵松软的) dog suddenly jumped toward the man from the mist with 11. The woman now was 12 enough to hear him crying to the dog: "Blessings! There you are! I thought I had 13 you!"

At first the woman felt 14 for making such a ridiculous mistake. She 15 a dog named Blessings for a wonderful moment of communication with God. But 16 she continued her walk: she smiled contentedly. She had received the inspiration to ask clearly and plainly for the 17 and other blessings she longed for. It was 18, even if the bearer of the message had four legs and a tail.

Perhaps, she thought it was not a 19 that the man had named his dog Blessings. And perhaps the dog had not been lost 20.

How do you call blessings like hope and peace into your life?
