组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A teacher was once teaching life lessons to his students. Jack stood up and asked why many people always felt1. After hearing this question, the teacher took these students toward a2. The students felt strange and3to ask each other why they were going to the forest. The teacher listened to all this, but he said nothing and moved forward. The students also4him.

With deep curiosity (好奇) in the mind, the students were talking with each other. They began to5why the teacher was taking them to the forest. A student said that there were lions in the forest and that they might be6. Another student said there were wild elephants. Hearing these, all the other students started to feel afraid. But the teacher7said nothing and just walked in peace.

After walking for about 40 minutes, they8arrived at the front of the forest. The teacher said, "Don't be afraid. I'm not taking you into the forest9, I just want to tell you that our life is like a journey. Many people get entangled (被缠住) in other things and they can't10their journey, just like you all. When we started the journey11the forest, you didn't see the trees and the clouds, and anyway, you didn't give importance to12. All the way, you worried that wild animals would eat us. All of you were worried about why we were going to the forest. " After listening to the teacher, Jack got the13. He and all the other students14 the teacher happily.

The present is the best time. It decides our future. We should try not to15about the future and live the present well.
