组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

My cousin Jack told me an unusual experience(经历),He had it in the first year of high school.

It was a few minutes before the final1exam. Jack and his classmates were waiting for Mr. White, 2history teacher to come. Some were a little3, though in fact everyone worked really hard because Mr. White was a strict teacher. When it was 8 o'clock, Mr. White came4the exam papers(试卷). He said, “I know how hard you have worked for this test, so you can get a B if you don't want to take the test. ”

Many students jumped up to5Mr. White and left the classroom. Mr. White6the rest of the students and said, “Does7else want to get a B?This is your last chance.”Two more students decided to go.

Jack and other seven students were still in the classroom. Mr. White then handed them the8. They all felt so surprised because there were only9sentences(句子)on the paper:Congratulations! You have just got an A in this test.Keep believing in yourself.

When listening to Jack's story, I felt10. I admired(羡慕)Jack for he had such a test and a good11. I have never had a test like that12I think it is a test any teacher could and should give their students. It is true that the students who do not believe in themselves are usually B students or maybe even worse. The A students13believe in themselves.

All of us should remember14we learn from the teacher, and we should never15unless we win the final success.
