组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Long ago there was a man with the name Smith. He made a living by making caps(帽子). One day he went to sell his caps. He went through a forest. There were many monkeys in it. It was very hot and the man wanted to rest a little. He came up to a large tree, put his caps on the ground, took one of them and put it on his head. Then he lay down and soon fell asleep.

“Where are my caps?”Smith cried when he woke up. He looked up and saw many monkeys in the trees and each monkey had a cap on its head.

“Give me back my caps!”The man shouted at the monkeys. But the monkeys didn't understand him. They only laughed. The man got very angry, took off his own cap, threw it on the ground and cried, “If you want all my caps, you may take this one, too!”

And what do you think happened? The little animals did the same. Each monkey took off its cap and threw it on the ground. The man was very glad. He quickly collected(收集)all his caps and went on his way.
