组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

One day, a tired mother came back. When she opened the door, she found her elder son

(wait) for her. He told herhis younger brother did. “While I was playing outside and Dad was talking on the phone, Jack took his colored pencils (彩笔) and(write) on the wall! It's on the new wallpaper(壁纸) you just bought. I told him you would be mad(生气)at him. ”

She became angry and asked, “Where is your little?”

“He(hide)in his closet(衣柜). ”

As she got into Jack's room, she called his name. Jack was afraid(answer), so he didn't come out. For the next ten minutes, she shouted at the little boy about howthe wallpaper was and how she saved the money. The(many) she shouted, the madder she got. Finally, she went into the dining room. When she saw the wall, herbecame wet with tears(眼泪). The wordsthe wall were, “I love mommy. ”
