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Molly is a very kind girl. She is1ready to help others. Now Molly is studying in a university.2, in her free time she is doing volunteer (志愿者) work at the Heart House. The program (活动) gives3to those children who are not doing well at school.

Molly goes to teach the children twice a week. She has also4a website for the Heart House. In this way, more people will have chances to5the Heart House.

For Molly, volunteer work is good for both others and6. "I like teaching those kids. The7thing is that I can also learn a lot from them," says Molly.

Now, thanks to Molly's website, every week, about 50 volunteers8about four hours helping at the Heart House. "9Molly's website, the Heart House wouldn't have enough volunteers," the program leader(领导)says.

Molly says that she won't10volunteering after leaving school. She hopes to go on teaching children who need help.
