组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A. they go to school by bike.

B. most students go to school by school bus.

C. Many subway stations are very far from school.

D. they go to school by bus or by subway.

E. some students like walking to school.

In America,The school buses are yellow. Students like to take the school bus because it's convenient (方便的). The school bus takes the students right to school. And they can talk with their friends on the bus.

In America,If students don't live far from the school, they usually walk to school. It's good exercise, too. But it's not fun if there are too many books in their schoolbags. When the weather is bad, .

Most students don't like to take the subway to school. It's easy for them to get to school early, but there are too many people on the subway.So the subway is not convenient for students.
