组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

save,camera,fear ,India,simple,perfect, believable,ride,encourage,peace

    Hi, friends! Do your parentsyou to travel? Greg's dream was to travel around Asia.He got the idea after he finished a long bike

     At first,he his parents wouldn't agree to let him go.He didn't tell his parents his idea.He told his friend Brooks about it.Brooks also liked riding a bike.They made a plan—to travel from Tokyo to Mumbai(孟买)by bike.

    To pay for the trip,Greg and Brooks tried to some money.Before setting out(出发),they told their parents about their plan.It was  that their parents agreed.And they got two new from their parents.

    On their way, they saw deserts.rainforests and mountains.They visited modem cities and villages.And they made many friends.They also learned two new languages一 and Japanese.

    Here are some pieces of Greg's advice.

    To have a(n) vacation,you shouldn't carry too many things with you.

Be flexible(灵活的).Don't plan everything.Then you'll be more relaxed and happier.Be polite(有礼貌的), on the way, people will be more likely to help you.
