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A Simple Guide to a Healthy Diet

Here are the healthy foods you should eat more and the unhealthy ones you should eat less.

Eat more nuts and seeds. They have an incredibly powerful mixture of healthy at fiber and other important nutrients(营养).. For example they have a wide range of beneficial effects on your livers and on your brain functions as you age. Regularly eating a proper amount of nuts and seeds can also help you stop weight gain.

Eat more fruits and vegetables. It should come as no surprise. And they don't have to be fresh to be healthy.. If you can get canned fruits or vegetables that don't have a lot of salt or sugar, that's fine, too.

. There's about 400% more salt in processed meat than in unprocessed one. The most obvious problem with too much salt is that it raises your blood pressure which can lead to heart attacks. But if you really love it, you can wash it off with tap water to get rid of the extra salt before it is cooked.

Stay away from sugary drinks . In particular, such sweet drinks are linked to a much higher risk of obesity(肥胖症)and heart attacks.

In short, healthy eating can be easy if you follow this simple rule:.

A. Shy away from salty bacon and sandwich

B. Reduce the consumption of processed meat

C. If they don't have a lot of sugar, it would be fine

D. Such nutrients are very important for your health

E. If you can get frozen fruits or vegetables, that's great

F. Stick to eating fresh and green while avoiding too much salt and sugar

G. Liquid sugar from soda and energy drinks is the worst way to consume sugar
