组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

When I was in school, I participated in an undergraduate internship(本科实习) in a hospital. There I was largely1for visiting specific hospital patients.

On one particular2, I entered a darkened room to find an elderly man lying in the bed. I 3thought he was sleeping, but when I moved closer to the bed, I realized that he was awake. He 4wanted to communicate something, but I couldn't 5what he was saying. He obviously didn't want me to leave, but I felt so 6and uncomfortable that I left the room after several minutes.

The next time I was at the hospital, I was 7to make follow-up visits with the same list of patients. I expected my time with that old man to be just as 8as the last time……if he was still live.

As I arrived at the room, I noticed he was sitting up in the bed and much better. I introduced myself and explained that I had come by before, 9I was certain he didn't remember me at all.

He 10me immediately, saying, "I remember you. You were the angel that gave me 11in my darkest hour!" I would have thought his memory was delirious(精神错乱的), but he then accurately 12enough details of our first meeting to remove any 13of his clarity. I was so amazed that, once again, I didn't know how to 14. I did absolutely nothing to help this man... 15showing up. I may never be able to explain it but somehow he found in me something he needed at a (n) 16 point in his life, just because I was there.

I have thought about this 17often over the past 25 years. I has 18the way I see life, the way I see myself, and the way I see others. It makes me want to offer whatever 19can to others. Obviously, we can't know the impact our actions, or even just our 20, will have on life.
