组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

This morning I fell over and broke my leg when playing football. The teacher took me to the hospital. The doctor asked me to stay here for three days. She said that when I get home. I must stay in bed for two more weeks.

Last week I fell down while I was playing games with my friend. I hit my teeth. My mum took me to the dentist's (牙科诊所) in her car. The dentist checked my teeth and told me to take some medicine. He said that it was nothing serious. He told me not to be worried.

I went to the cinema with my parents. It was very hot in the cinema and I started to feel awful. I then fell on the floor and my mum tried to wake me up. My dad called an ambulance(救护车). A doctor came and checked some parts of my body. He said I was fine, but he also told me to go home and rest for two days.
