组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

I devote myself to music because of my grandmother. My mum and I lived with my grandparents from the time I was two until I was eight. And even then, I was at their house before and after school every day while my mother was 1.

Grandma loved music. It was she that first 2 me to Elvis Presley as a very young child, and once I heard his music, I was truly in3with it. Most five-year-olds ask for toys for birthdays, but I wanted Elvis' albums. I would play them non-stop and 4 to the music in my grandma's family room though my movements didn't look5.

Grandma played the piano and 6 me to sing "America the Beautiful" and "Somewhere over the Rainbow". I finally started playing music on the piano, and soon grandma was paying for me to take piano lessons from a lady living in the 7. I would come home from8 and walk there for my lesson. I 9 took about nine months of lessons, but it was enough to give me a foundation and allow me to continue to teach myself.

Last month when I came home to visit grandma in the hospital, I brought along my guitar with me. She was in great pain, but the music seemed to 10 her soul. She had me sing some songs and when I started to sing "Somewhere over the Rainbow", her weakened voice11 in with mine for a few lines. That experience was one of the most 12 of my lifetime and one I will certainly cherish forever. I told her of my music career and she was very 13 and said, "That's wonderful!" I 14 to play for her throughout the week I was home.

 My grandma passed away two days ago. In my opinion, part of her will live on through every 15 I write or sing for her in my life.
