组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
配对阅读。左栏是五个学生的兴趣爱好及需求, 右栏是七个暑假夏令营介绍,请为左栏的每位学生选择一个合适的夏令营(有两个为多余)。

Tina's parents are always away on business. She wants to learn to cook so that she doesn't have to eat out.

Ken has always liked inventing things. He wants to spend the summer holiday making new things.

Amy is good at dancing and singing. She wants to be an actress when she grows up.

Jason is crazy about rock music. He has his own band. He wants to improve his skills and meet real musicians.

Dan usually spends his time making short videos. He dreams to make his own movies one day.

A. Come on a holiday course in our theatre studio in Cambridge, and learn to act, sing and dance. Our teachers are all professional(专业的).

B. Cooking is fun, so why be afraid of it? We teach you to make delicious, easy-to-cook meals. So you can eat at home and save money.

C. On our summer course here in Bristol, you make your own film! You don't need any experience. Your teachers are professional and they guide you from start to finish.

D. Would you like to paint and draw, and do sculpture (雕塑)? Then come to our summer school in the beautiful village of Aston. You can relax and be creative in our wonderful historic house.

E. Do you want to be in a rock band? Write your own music? Improve your drumming or keyboard skills? Then come to our summer school in London. Our students come from all over the world and our teachers are real rock musicians.

F. Do you dream of becoming an astronaut? Then you may join us. You take a tour to the Space & Rocket Center. You talk with real astronauts. You visit spaceships.

G. Are you interested in science? Do you want to build a robot? Do you want to make you own invention? This is the camp for you.
