组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

On the third night of huger, nothing lived on that island of ice except Noni and his dog. When the ice broke up. Noni had lost everything. He had saved only Nimuk, his dog. Noni's love for Nimuk was real. It was as real as hunger and cold nights.

Nimuk watched him with the bright eyes. He told himself that Nimuk, when hungry enough, would begin to look for food." one of us will soon eat the other," Noni thought. "So."

He couldn't kill the dog with his hands. Nimuk was powerful and much less tired than be. He needed a knife. Noni took down the brace (支架) from his injured leg. It was made of two thin pieces of iron. He stuck one iron piece into the ice then began to rub the other piece against it. He kept working, trying not to remember why. The piece of iron began to take shape. He bad a knife!

____________, "Here, Nimuk!" Nimuk came closer. Noni could see hunger and fear in the animal's eyes. Noni's heart broke. He hated himself and fought against it. Closer Nimuk came, Noni clearly saw hunger and suffering in the animal's hard breathing and slow movements. Now! Now was the time to kill it! Noni stood with his knee, crying silently. He threw the knife far away from him. With empty bands. be walked to the dog slowly and fell.

The dog made terrible noise as it circled the boy's body. Noni was sick with fear. Without his knife, he couldn't protect himself. He was too weak to move. The dog was very hungry. It stepped behind him. Noni shut his eyes, he could feel the dog's feet against his leg, the hot rush of Nimuk's breath against his neck. Then he felt the dog's bot tongue licking his face. Noni's eyes opened, crying softly. He threw his arm and drew the dog's head down against his own. . .

An hour later. A young pilot found there was a boy and a dog. The boy lost his mind but alive. The dog was too weak to move.
