组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

The little girl went to school each day feeling frightened. She had been used to it, but it still hurt each time her classmates1her.

When she was younger, she used to 2 when the laughing began. But as she grew older, she no longer hid in shame. Still, it hurt. She had no 3. The laughing turned her into a girl who kept to herself. But friends were what she wanted most.

"Your mother is so 4," the kids would say, "Your mother's 5 is like a monster's one," they said." Sheena has a monster for a mother!"

Sometimes, Sheena wanted to 6 that her mother was not her mother. She wanted to tell the others that the woman was not her mother at all. When this happened, she was filled with guilt and 7, for her mother was the 8 and most generous of all the mothers in the world. She did so many great things and helped lots of people.

Sheena's mother did in fact have a scary face. It has long purple ugly scars (伤疤) on it. One day, when Sheena came home 9 her grandmother took her aside. "Why are you crying?" asked her grandmother. Sheena explained how difficult it was to stand the laughing from her classmates. She told her how 10 she felt each day at school with no friends around her.

Her grandmother said, "It's time to tell you the story of 11 your mother came to have such a face. One day, you were sleeping in your bed and your mother was across the street talking with a neighbor. 12, she noticed smoke coming from your house. Everyone rushed to the door, but it was too dangerous to go inside. Your mother ran into the fire without thinking twice, not thinking of13, only of you, her dear child. She brought you out safely, 14 her own body was burned from top to bottom, especially her face. That's the story of the ugly scars. "

Sheena was 15 again embarrassed of her mother. From that day on, she walked with her head high, knowing that she, above all the other children, had a mother who loved her very much.
