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The novel coronavirus pneumonia (新冠肺炎) was first found in Wuhan, Hubei in December, 2019. People should stay at home and change a lot of their lifestyle(生活方式).

Most of us love delicious food. But now many Chinese are changing their eating habits(习惯). Young people loved takeout food before, but now they cook at home. Some even share food videos(视频) at dinner times. It's a special way to say hello to each other when we can't have face-to-face dinner.

People can't go outside because of the novel coronavirus pneumonia, but they call use their phones to do it. Many online entertainment resources(在线娱乐资源)can help stay-at-home visitors have much fun. Such as online exhibitions of tile Panoramic Palace Museum(全景故宫).You can see it on its website(网站).By putting on VR glasses, people can take a trip to the 600-year-old museum. They can see its halls, gardens and even Palace Museum in snowy days.

In late January, China delayed(延迟) starting the new school semester(学期) and students started to study online at home. Most of students love online study, because they can get tip later every morning. Many students learned how to make study calendars and learn by themselves.
