组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
choose,think of, quiet,bring,like,idea, it,make,instead,plant
    Linda and Laura were very excited because it would be their mother's birthday next Monday. Their mother loved and she knew a lot about them. On Thursday, the two girls pretended (假装) that they were going out to buy eggs and bread with their father. they went to the plant store where their mother often went. With their father's help, they a plant with beautiful flowers. They were sure their mother would like .
    When they got home,their mother was busy in the kitchen, so they carried the plant to their room. They wondered where they could put it because they wanted to give their mother a surprise on Monday. They looked around the room carefully. Finally, the two young girls had a(n) . They put the plant in a big box andit to the top of the bookcase. After it was done, they were very happy.
However, no one watering the plant over the next few days. They just treated (对待) the plant any other gift. When their mother's birthday came, they opened the box and found a dead(枯萎的) plant with dry flowers, but it still their mother happy.