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How to get pumped(满腔热情的)after working hours?

After a long workday, all you want to do is go home, sit on the couch and turn on the TV. So you've planned to go to the gym after work?" I'll go tomorrow, I promise. " Here are some tips for getting yourself to hit the gym after a tiresome workday, offered by Women's Health magazine:

Why not change the "Keep calm and carry on" poster to some inspirational shape-up messages around your workplace? If you think "No pains, no gains. " is too ordinary, how about "And though she be but little, she is fierce"? When your colleagues ask about it, tell them the quote is from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Eat breakfast.

Even though it's hours before your trip to the gym, having a balanced breakfast will keep you energized throughout the rest of the day.

Eat a little lunch.

No matter what you're eating, if you have too much of it, your blood sugar is going to rise sharply and then drop rapidly. Try to avoid foods with refined carbohydrates or lots of sugar. Keeping your blood sugar steady will stabilize your energy, help you get more done, and feel awake enough to make it to the gym.

Set the bar really low.

And once you're at the gym, you might think: "Well, I could probably stay just a little longer." Also remember, some HIIT(high-intensity interval training)workouts are short but very effective. Just search for HIIT workouts online and you can find loads to teach yourself.

A. Take advantage of tech.

B. This will leave you sleepy and unproductive.

C. But of course, tomorrow will be exactly the same.

D. This will guarantee that you won't "forget" to go to workout.

E. Decorate your office space with motivational photos or slogans.

F. Try to include eggs, fruits and whole-grain bread in your breakfast.

G. If you make your goal really easy, you will be willing to achieve it.
