组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库



    I'm not really sure what l will do in ten years.I guess that l will get a job,but I don't know what job I want to do yet.Maybe an actor or a film maker? But I can clearly tell you what I'll do next week—celebrate my birthday with friends.


    There's one thing I really want to do and that is to travel around the world.Hopefully I will live somewhere completely different in ten years-some where really interesting like Australia or even Japan.I'd like to be a teacher and I'll probably teach English.Then I can go to almost any country and find a job.


When I was little.I always said l wanted to be a doctor and that hasn't changed.1 will definitely(一定地)study medicine after I finish high school.I know it will be a lot of hard work,but it's my dream.So in ten years I guess I will work in a hospital as a doctor and save people's lives.

    I'm not really sure about the future.I know that I'm going to go to university but I also imagine that I will get married(结婚)sometime in the next ten years.I'd like to have a family but I also want to have an interesting job. I'm interested in environmental protection, so in ten years,I'll probably work as a scientist and help develop,alternative energy(替代能源)or something like that.
