组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Susan and Jane are good friends. One day, Susan saw toy bear in the window of a shop. She liked it very much and she to buy it as a present for Jane's birthday. "If Jane sees this toy bear, she will be very happy," Susan said to herself. But she had money at that time, so she ran quickly. She had only twenty yuan in her purse(钱包), while the bear   65 yuan. She remembered she had a money can(罐子). She her money can and found sixty-seven yuan there. Altogether, she 87 yuan then. "There is enough money the bear!" she thought. She ran to the shop as fast as she could. But it was too . The shop was closed. She was a little sad. "If I come early tomorrow morning,  can get the toy bear!" When she thought of this, she was happy again.
